Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blog #5: Perth W.A.

             I am in Perth, Western Australia.

             It has been good. What else do I say?

             I made friends. Really good ones; and we are becoming a team.


             I was going to sit down to write about my experiences here, about this week where I've laughed way more than usual, but I've realized something just now. The ability of God to destroy everything that used to make my life suck. That's what I realized. I almost killed myself street racing. Didn't know? Now you do. I thought that street racing would make me cool, make girls like me. I used to hate my life. I used let people treat me like s*** and didn't do anything. Didn't think myself at all worthy of better. Didn't know that about me? Now you do.

            You might be wondering. Why would I say that? I say that because of what I already said. God killed and destroyed everything that used to make my life suck. I no longer have to do dangerous things to try to make people accept me. I accept myself, and God accepts me no matter what. And in response to that, people have noted me worthy of acceptance. I don't have to hate my life. Jesus is life, and my life comes from Him, and he is not lazy, sad, bored or depressed. I have the richest life possible now. I'm serious. Here's how that happened.

             God got me to take the focus off of myself, and instead got me to focus on loving him and loving others. Drug use and alcohol abuse were below his standards, so he made it so that I didn't need them to be happy. He took away my requirement for people to think well of me. I have no stress now other than the responsibility to be diligent with what he has given me; to show his redemption to a dying world.

           If you struggle with anything, just ask God to help. He can and will. He made traffic jams fun for me!

           Now that I've gotten that off my chest, my experiences as of late. YWAM DTS in Perth has been great so far. We have had a blast. We've gone all around Perth, to King's Park at night, to Cottesloe Beach, to the park for games, to Perth City almost every day, to the supermarket, to Fremantle, to the Swan River. We've had super-soaker rain after hot sun. We've already been put in bands and been given a room to practice in. We have had awesome learning times, and heard from God about His plan for us. We've learned words like stacks, heaps, bogans, dunnys, sunnies, and Freo.There are 23 nations represented here. More later!

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