"Of course! This is what I must do". I exclaimed after deciding to start this blog. Just kidding, I don't know big words. (thanks dictionary.com)
Well, if your reading this you should know that I'm am headed to Youth With a Mission Perth very soon.
What I am doing there is called a Music DTS. It's a serious Christian discipleship school geared towards people with some amount of accomplishment or skill in the area of music. It is 6 months long, of which the first 90 days will be spent learning and playing music, and assimilating the foundations of a strong life in God. The remainder will be spent in a currently unknown location, using this foundation to build into the lives of others. It will be in any of a number of places most likely on or around the Indian Ocean.
My tasks in my 4 days left in Canada are as follows:
-make this blog
-make prayer cards (pretty much just a picture of me) to hand out
-make an email list
-find $4000, and pay for the remaining odds and ends
I am most anticipating task 2, and will post my awkward first attempt at it.
That's all for now. Check back here regularily between JULY 2012 and JANUARY 2013 to follow my adventure.
please add me to your email list! thanks, ~V