The last few days have been marked by sharing meals with people. Like 3 or more a day. After the second meal of the day today, which was crepes with nutella (amazing), I hopped into my car to drive home to film the interview for my coming trip. And when I turned on the fan in my car it started blowing air that smelled strongly of rose perfume. Crazy right? I immediately thought of what my roomate called "the FreshFire days" where a whole church randomly filled with a similar scent, like that of roses. So I just sat there and enjoyed it, content at whatever means got the air to smell as such.
Filming the interview was not as content of a time. This was probably the most frustrating thing I've done in months. I was actually almost unable to do it, but we pushed through and got some great material. Thanks Chris and Jenn! At the end of the interview I spoke about how I will be relying on sponsorship for YWAM to an extent. So here's the info I said I would provide. You can sponsor me by check, cash, or if I've already left, I have PayPal. Paypal works by going to their website and emailing me money. Sound too simple? It is. Enjoy it. And please don't hear me as saying "here I am, give me money." I don't want a penny that isn't given in joy. Missionary sponsorship is given with the joy of knowing the fruit that it will produce for the kindom of God, so lets keep it that way :)
Also, as promised, a picture of the fridge cards I made.
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